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İnternet Teknolojileri çözümleri
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The three main results and the steps for achieving them can be summarized as follows:


Ben bir paragrafım. Kendi metninizi eklemek ve beni düzenlemek için buraya tıklayın. Bu kolay. Kendi içeriğinizi eklemek ve yazı tipinde değişiklik yapmak için "Metni Düzenle"ye tıklayın veya bana çift tıklayın. Bir hikaye anlatabileceğiniz ve kullanıcılarınızın hakkınızda biraz daha bilgi sahibi olmasını sağlayabileceğiniz harika bir yerim.

Result 2 

Development of guide with learning nuggets 

- R2/A1: The State of the art report will search to identify practices of using learning nuggets in higher education which will be the Nuggets Manual will define the micro learning (nuggets) structure and first draft of the training/learning strategy. Please feel free to check it!
- R2/A2: Sharing platform will be selected and configured for the specific purposes of Cyber IN Practice.
- R2/A3: Interactive materials will be developed for the purposes of the pilot training foreseen.
- R2/A4: The nuggets of knowledge on cybersecurity and risk management will be structured in thematic modules.

For R2/A2-A3-A4 we are waiting you to visit our online platform! 

Result 3

Integration of nuggets in non IT oriented HE courses

- R3/A1: Guidelines for Implementation of the learning nuggets will be developed for supporting the work of university staff. Please feel free to check it!
- R3/A2: The Pilot testing will be carried in each partner country for testing the Cyber IN Practice approach for incorporation of IT knowledge into the learning content of non IT disciplines. Please feel free to check it!
- R3/A3: The Training Methodology for integration of the nuggets into non IT disciplines will support trainers and educators in making use of the Cyber IN Practice outputs and in implementing future training courses or atoms of cybersecurity knowledge into their courses based on the materials created. Please feel free to check it!

- R3/A4: Please feel free to check the extended summary report!

Also please feel free to check our learning nuggets to test your knowledge and improve it!

Bizimle iletişime geçin

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the  authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein".

“This project has received grant support from Movetia funded by the Swiss Confederation. The content reflects the authors’ view and Movetia is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains”.

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